About Me

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I have had rabbits since I was 6 years old and have such a great passion for them. I took a great interest into the psychology side of it and done extensive studying and research into understanding rabbit behaviour. I have had a number of different breeds and have helped many people train and breed their own rabbits. I have rescued, rehomed and bred. I have also boarded when people have been on holiday. I am absolutely happy to help anyone who has any rabbit questions or queries :)

Sunday 28 August 2011

Dedication to Dusty

On Sunday 29th May my beloved childhood french lop Dusty died. She had just turned 9 yrs old. She had began to get really old and slowed right down but she was such a great rabbit. Her sister Floppsy mourned over her for a while but is now doing much better and i have been letting her have more interaction with her friend Fudge who seems to be making her happy. There are two pictures of Floppsy and Dusty on my blogger (one at the top of the page and one at the bottom) Dusty is the grey and white one. She never liked to be lifted up much and i called her my "wee ground rabbit" as she was so happy and felt safe when she was on the ground. She would come over and stretch her wee neck out for you to clap her. She was fantastic at doing tricks and was great at walking by my side on the harness and agility. She won competitions for agility and was so responsive to signals. I miss her ever so much and no other rabbit i get will ever compare to her.

R.I.P Dusty my wee Princess

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